Beta Release Program Terms & Conditions 

Acknowledgment of Beta Software.  

Whenever testing the Loupedeck beta software, user acknowledges and agrees to the following: 

  • The beta release program is not an additional customer support channel; it is a continuous study to improve the features, interface, and experience of the software. In the event that issues arise regarding the Loupedeck beta release, Loupedeck will provide reasonable support. 
  • The Loupedeck Beta Software is not an officially released finished product and it may not operate properly or be fully functional. Using the software may result in unexpected results such as the loss of data and communications. 
  •  Loupedeck beta program participants are solely responsible for backing up and restoring any data and information that may be lost or corrupted as a result of their own use of the Loupedeck beta software.  
  • The user acknowledges that it is strongly recommended to refrain from using the beta software in a professional environment. 
  • Loupedeck is not obligated to release a commercial version of the beta software and/or its beta-tested features.  


Users cannot be affiliated with anyone with conflicting loyalty (for example, an employee or representative of a competitor). 

Feedback & Code of Conduct. 

The user has a responsibility to respond to Loupedeck surveys and generally be an active participant. A user should be respectful in all communication and express themselves in a constructive and polite manner.  

As such, Loupedeck does not condone personal attacks, hate speech, name-calling, or any other form of offensive or bullying behavior. Loupedeck reserves the right to remove anyone’s beta release participation status without explanation. 

Telemetry Data & Privacy Policy. 

 In order to assist Loupedeck in improving the user experience, the beta software releases will collect anonymous data regarding the use of Loupedeck products and services. This will allow Loupedeck to identify what features and improvements need to be implemented next. To protect the user’s privacy, Loupedeck will process this information in a de-identified form, and any data gathered from the Beta release will not be used for marketing purposes. 

Please read the full Privacy Policy for further information.